ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual image is copyrighted
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni immagine appartiene
ad ogni singolo artista
The artworks are published in order of arrival
Opere pubblicate in ordine di arrivo
Like a bird in its lightness,
On the sail of each slight wing
From: No thought can trouble my unwholesome pose (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrylic colors on wood
80 x 60 cms
Gianpiero Actis (Torino, Italy). Eye surgeon and artist, with permanent exhibitions in the UK (Swansea, Wales).
In 2007 co-founder of the art-literary Movement “Immagine & Poesia”. Jury member for the Arts at Turin Live Festival
Collage/mixed media on canvas panel
Gloria Keh (Singapore)
Artist and writer, Gloria Keh lives in Singapore. In 2008, she founded Circles of Love, a non
profit charity outreach program using her art in the service to humanity. She has participated in over 70 art exhibitions and won 12 international awards.
... And go into the air
Burrow-our way upwards into the blue sky ...
From: We will be conscious of our sanctity (DYLAN THOMAS)
painting by Salvatore Salamone, photo by Attilio Scimone
acrylic colors on canvas
Salvatore Salamone (Italy)
Salvatore Salamone, was born in Caltanissetta and graduated in Architecture in Palermo. His first solo show, at the gallery "Il Trittico" in Palermo, dates back to the early seventies, since then he has participated in numerous group exhibitions, has staged many solo shows in Italy and abroad. He illustrated books of poetry and fiction. He created the sketches of the 18 stained glass windows mounted in the lunettes of the Church of San Michele in Caltanissetta. Other works of his can be found in museums and private collections
O make me a mask and a wall.. DYLAN THOMAS
Installation (2020)
Lidia Chiarelli: artist, poet and co-founder of the art-literary Movement Immagine & Poesia.
After visiting the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2010, Lidia was inspired to create installations similar to Yoko Ono’s Wish Tree, but hanging not only wishes, but poems and original works of art on cards on the trees. Lidia Chiarelli’s “Poetry&Art Trees” thus began to appear in different exhibitions in Italy and abroad. She is also an appreciated collagist artist.
Sono poesia e la morte non mi avrà, vivrò tra voi con I colori del vento, la natura fiorisce in me, sospiro nel vento, i mie versi giungeranno a voi.
tecnica: acrilico, cristalli, veli e stoffe -supporto: cartapesta (2020)
Angeli, Maristella (Italy)
Maristella Angeli is a poetess, fantasy writer and painter who has always felt the need to express herself
in different artistic forms. She has published ten poetic collections, two fantasy novels,
and has exhibited her paintings in personal, collective and international events.
... Birds and the birds of the winged trees
Flying my name
From: Poem in October (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrylic on watercolor paper -
18x24 inches
From: Light breaks where no sun shines (DYLAN THOMAS)
Attilio Scimone è un’artista fotografo che opera in Sicilia, Il suo lavoro artistico è inserito in un contesto di ricerca che predilige un valore a-spaziale e a-temporale. I soggetti
sono fermi, immobili, immutabili ed il contesto di inserimento è sempre senza confini.
Nella sua attività ha una importante produzione di libri d’artista. Ha vinto diversi premi internazionali.
Ha esposto in numerose mostre collettive e personali, sue opere sono esposte in importanti musei.
This summer buries a spring bird.
From: Here in this spring (DYLAN THOMAS)
technique: mix media
Fiona Green MA., MSc.was born in India in1943.
She studied art at the Bath Academy & the Central School of Art & Design,London-
Fiona and Llewelyn Thomas (Dylan Thomas' son) lived together for his last six years.
Fiona paints in her retirement in Devon,England.
digital collage from an original photo by Nora Summers
Carla Bertola è scrittrice e poeta multimediale. Opera in campo internazionale con performances, mostre, pubblicazioni. Ha diretto per 40 anni la rivista di poesia internazionale “Offerta Speciale” e si occupa ancora di edizioni e programmi culturali.
Alberto Vitacchio. Poeta lineare, visuale e sonoro. Opera in campo internazionale con performances, creazione di libri d’artista e pubblicazioni. Il suo ‘viaggioscrittura’ Landlessness riscritto in Inglese è nelle edizioni Archae Editions. Dal 1978 coeditore della rivista multimediale Offerta Speciale.
La lumière point là où le soleil ne brille pas
Là où la mer ne s’étend pas, les eaux du cœur ...
D'aprés: La lumière point là où le soleil ne brille pas (DYLAN THOMAS)
couleurs acryliques
50 x 70 cms
Salvatore Gucciardo, peintre, poète, dessinateur et illustrateur est né en Italie en 1947. Il vit en Belgique depuis 1955. Il a plus de 45 ans d’activités artistiques. Ses œuvres ont été acquises par plusieurs musées et collections privées. Il a reçu plusieurs prix en Europe.
Here the night shelters and here the stars shine ...
From: The sun burns the morning (DYLAN THOMAS)
mix media on canvas
100 x 100 cms
Michele Lambo. La sua attività artistica si caratterizza sin dagli anni settanta a cicli: Poesia Postale, L’araba poesia, poesia metropolitana, repetita iuvant. Si interessa – fra l’altro - alla materoscrittura e alla tecnoscrittura.
Fondatore con Franco Spena e Salvatore Salamone dell’associazione “Marcel Duchamp”, è stato curatore di mostre e pubblicazioni d’arte. E’ presente con sue opere in musei d’arte contemporanea.
Tribute to Dylan Thomas
Ağaoğlu, Yeşim (Turkey) Yeşim Ağaoğlu is a poet and artist born in Istanbul. Her poems have appeared in various anthologies, and her published books of poetry have been translated into many languages. She frequently participates in international literary and poetry festivals, as well as gaining recognition internationally as a contemporary artist.
...Caught by the crabbing sun I walk on fire ...
By the sea's side, hearing the noise of birds...
From: Especially when the October wind (DYLAN THOMAS)
Fine Art Photo
Gorgy, Adel (U.S.A.) Adel Gorgy is a contemporary fine art photographer who lives and works in New York. His artwork has been widely published and exhibited in museums and galleries both in the United States and internationally.
... I who was as shapeless as the water
That shaped the Jordan near my home...
From: Before I knocked (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrylics on canvas
80 x 40 cms
Senyuy, Damien (Cameroon) Damien Senyuy is a surreal-abstract painter / musician from Cameroon – west Africa. His themes depict traditional cultural awareness, pop culture, environmental concerns, unity and fantastical figures. He has enjoyed using red, blue, black and white to express simplicity, clarity and grounding.
Once it was the colour of saying
Soaked my table the uglier side of a hill ...
From: Once it was the colour of saying (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrylic colors
36 h x 33 w inches
Lalit, Jain (India) Jain Lalit is an artist born in India and alumnus of Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai. Currently staying in New Delhi he paints mostly human forms and mysteries of life sometimes abstract, inspired from day to day life of what he sees, seeking feminine forms in his paintings.
The bees are glad the livelong day,
For lilacs in their beauty blow
From: Triolet (DYLAN THOMAS)
oil on canvas
90 x 90 cms
Zhadina, Ekaterina (Russia) Ekaterina Zhadina's artworks are created without any rules and limitations, they remind of primitive people's art and are turned to the roots of artistic creativity that come from the depth of the subconscious and that rely on instincts, memory and imagination.
Light breaks where no sun shines;
Where no sea runs, the waters of the heart ...
From: Light breaks where no sun shines (DYLAN THOMAS)
oil painting
72,5 x 60,5 cms
Yang-Che Liu
He is one of the most outstanding artist in Taiwan contemporary art.
Mr. Yang-Che Liu has devoted his life to artistic creation, focusing on printmaking and oil painting. The style of the work is thick and colorful. His works are in important private and public collections, mainly in France, Japan and Taiwan. Winner of several prizes.
1983 First place in printmaking category in 37th Taiwan Provincial Flue Arts Show.
1987 Gold Nobility Prize in Art Society of China, and First place in printmaking category in 9th Taiwan Printmaking Exhibition.
1992 The 2nd Annual International Miniprint Exhibition U.S.A.
And death shall have no dominion.
Dead men naked they shall be one ...
From: And death shall have no dominion (DYLAN THOMAS)
tecnica mista su carta intelata - 2020
53 x 43 cms
Especially when the October wind ...
With fists of turnips punishes the land...
From: Especially when the October wind (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrylic colors
50 x 70 cms
Giorgio Viotto. Dapprima totalmente autodidatta, frequenta nel 2001 per la prima volta i corsi Cedas di Torino con il Prof. Sandro Lobalzo, approfondendo la tecnica dell'acquerello.
Dal 2002 frequenta i corsi Cedas del Maestro Pippo Ciarlo e con lui partecipa a numerose manifestazioni e collettive. Membro della Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti Torino.
digital collage 2020
from an original photo by Nora Summers
Federica Nightingale Galetto (Italy) is an italian poet, writer and collagiste.
Her work has been published on paper and e-book.
“When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.”
(Dylan Thomas)
digital art
Gopakumar R. P. (Bahrain/India) Gopakumar R. P. is an Indian contemporary artist and contemporary art collector. He is mainly working with Painting, Digital Art and Motion Photography. He has exhibited internationally.
acrylic on canvas
36 X 48 inches
Calm and strange is this evening hour in the forest
Carven domes of green are the trees by the pathway...
From: Forest Picture (DYLAN THOMAS)
acrilico su tela
60 x 40 cms
Antonio Presti ha realizzato la sua prima personale a Caltanissetta alla Galleria “IL RE D'AREMI” già nel 1968 a soli 17 anni. I dipinti del periodo universitario a Palermo (frequenta la Facoltà di Medicina nel 1972/73) sono caratterizzati da una forte carica sociale. La sua migrazione in Piemonte, nel 1975, lo porta a Sauze d'Oulx (TO) dove con tre amici fonda la Libreria-Galleria d'Arte “SPAZIO”.
Attualmente vive ed opera tra Torino e Parigi, dove realizza i suoi “boschi della memoria” su carta recente ed antica che trova nei “marchés aux puces” parigini, per farne acquarelli e tecniche miste. Ha al suo attivo numerose mostre-installazioni-performances in Italia e all’estero.
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Down the rivers of the windfall light
From: Fern Hill (DYLAN THOMAS)
Fine Art Photo
Alessandro Actis was born and educated in Torino (Italy). Eye surgeon with a deep interest in photography. Exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Member of Immagine & Poesia Movement. Artist in residence at Adel Gorgy's photography courses in Long Island (NY) in 2010 and 2012
Was there a time when dancers with their fiddles
In children's circuses could stay their troubles?
From: Was there a time (DYLAN THOMAS)
olio su legno
60 x 35
Asinari Daniela artista surrealista di Torino, inizia la sua attività artistica con installazioni in pietra .
Poi passa alla tela ispirata dalle poesie del movimento “Immagine e Poesia” e partecipa a numerose mostre collettive. Dal 2017 produce alcuni lavori sumi-e, tecnica giapponese approcciata durante un viaggio a Kyoto nel 1988
Quadro scultura tecnica mista su tela
My tears are like the quiet drift
of petals from some magic rose...
From: Clown in the moon (DYLAN THOMAS)
From: Light breaks where no sun shines (DYLAN THOMAS)
Rosaria La Rosa, pittore, scultore, scenografo, critico d'arte e curatore eventi artistici. Ha frequentato l'istituto d'arte e l'accademia di belle arti, laurea in pittura, ha frequentato i corsi di specializzazione di pittura iperrealista e di mosaico. dal 2009 dirige la galleria d'arte L'urlo di Rosaria di Trapani, le sue opere sono state acquisite da cultori dell'arte in Europa e in sud America.
acrilico e grafite su tela
And over the sea wet church the size of a
With its horns through mist and the castle
From: Poem in October (DYLAN THOMAS)
Calogero Barba was born in Mussomeli and graduated with a degree in Sculpture from the Palermo Academy of Fine Arts. A young professional sculptor by 1980, he was able to learn the trade through frequent visits and independent studies of art galleries and selected Palermitan artists. Over time, Calogero developed the understanding and practice necessary to become a true visual artist. In 1986, Mr. Barba began his work on the theme of Anthropology, and in 1990, formed a working partnership with Francesco Carbone, with whom he later formed the Contemporary Anthropological Art Group.